Saturday, 30 December 2017

Now the Day is Over!!!

Now the day is over

"Now the day is over, night is drawing near..." that's the only part of the song I know 😂. If you remember this song you are an OG!  The point is the Year is over and it's the beginning of a new dawn. 

Some of us had big plans for 2017 that came through! All glory to God, some of us were not so lucky. Some lost family, close friends, relationships,money, time, etc. 

Some were not able to achieve what they set out to. You didn't get your dream job? Your dream certification or things just didn't fall into place. You are dissapointed! Sad! Filled with resentment,  What is next ?

The first place to start is GRATITUDE! If you are not thankful for the little things how can you be blessed with bigger things? Do you have good health? Are you alive? Are you aware that there are many who achieved what you wanted but are not alive today to enjoy it? take a minute and look back at the year, there must be something to be thankful for. 

I know it sounds cliche but do not wait till you lose someone close or experience poor health before you start being grateful for life. 

Secondly, LESSONS! Every day there is a lesson to be learnt. What could you have done better this year? What did you do wrong? What didn't you do enough? It's okay to make mistakes but the problem comes when you fail to learn from your mistakes. Don't just read this article, take a pen and paper and actually write down the lessons you learnt this year. 

Thirdly! RESOLUTIONS. I know so many of us have resolutions, some of us don't even bother because by February we have forgotten, but are you aware that nothing really changes in a new year, it's just the number. Why are you waiting till 2018 to make that change? Why don't you start now? In fact! If you start now you just might have perfected it for the new year. 

Now the day is over! Night is drawing near! Although dawn comes in the morning, make sure you are prepared ❤️


Anonymous said...

Great Read! Truly there is a lot to be grateful for

Anonymous said...

Insightful and encouraging piece. 2017 is now a closed chapter. Year 2018 is fresh and should be approached with high hope and enthusiasm.