Life keeps throwing lemons at us. It isn't so easy to make lemonade now is it? Too many times I've asked myself, what was the point of worrying? What did it change? The results that came out were the same.
We cannot focus on what steals our peace because there are uncountable reasons. Worry, lack of trust, life , death , bills, etc. however, we know that for something to be stolen it was not protected enough. So this leads us to a very important aspect, how do we protect our peace?
Firstly, not everything is in our control. Hence, when you cannot control what is happening, you can control how you respond to that situation. Your school is on strike, you cannot control it but you can control how you choose to react to it. The best way to react is to be calm and calculated. Worrying, overreacting, panicking and being anxious has never made anything better.
Secondly, No one can make you feel bad without your consent. Yes! It sounds cliche, but have you ever wondered why you always get angry when your parents scold you but your sibling doesn't flinch. It doesn't mean he or she did not listen, he decided not to make that instance steal his peace. This goes for jobs, projects and other areas of life. No one can make you feel bad unless you let them.
Follow your heart. This is so important. When you know the way you want to go but you allow peer pressure, what the society will say, your status define your decisions for you, you begin to battle with your mind, you begin to battle with yourself and before you know it your peace is gone. Learn how to listen and follow your heart. That way it is easier to bear the consequences of your actions.
Choose your battles. It is not every argument you must participate in, it is not every time you must share your opinion. This is something we all struggle with. At the end of the day, after the argument and the debates you end up annoyed, relationships are strained, mean words are said and everyone goes home worse off than they started. Ask yourself this , proving you were right was it worth your peace?
Have Faith! For believers who know that God is the foundation on which they stand, are you not aware that your lack of peace shows a lack of trust in God. Are you saying that God is not bigger than your problems or He cannot handle it? Don't you believe that His plans for us are good and not evil. You obviously do not trust yourself, but you should trust God. The next time something steals your peace, remember to tell God to deal with it, and leave those burdens behind.
Be occupied! An idle man is the devil's workshop. You are waiting for a result from a job interview, an exam you wrote, a proposal you submitted. Why don't you keep yourself busy while waiting. After all thinking constantly about it is not making time move faster. Keep your mind occupied so the devil does not plant evil thoughts in it.
There are so many ways to protect your peace. What other ways can we protect our peace? ❤️❤️
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